백준 BAEKJOON 28225번 Flower Festival [PYTHON/파이썬]
<문제 출처> (BRONZE Ⅲ)
28225번: Flower Festival
Today is the Flower Festival day. The festival is held in Rose Square, at the end of Flower Street. People are heading towards the festival on Flower Street with n cars, numbered 1 through n. Soroush, an expert traffic analyst, wants to know which car will
(목표 거리 - 현재 위치) / 속력을 활용하여 풀었다.
n, f = map(int, input().split())
record = []
for _ in range(n):
x, v = map(int, input().split())
record.append((f - x) / v) # (목표 거리 - 현재 위치) / 속력
print(record.index(min(record)) + 1)
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